Sensual Tantric Massage In Bayswater

Tantric massage, often known as erotic massage, is a type of massage or bodywork based on the ideas of tantra, an ancient spiritual practice originating in Central and Southeast Asia. Tantric massage in Bayswater entails massaging and arousing the body, with a focus on sensitive parts such as the penis and vulva.

Now, you can also experience these intriguing massage techniques, you just need to contactJoy Tantric Massage.

The Best Tantric massage in Bayswater

Tantric massage is a type of massage or bodywork based on the ideas of tantra, an ancient spiritual tradition that originated in Central and Southeast Asia. Tantric massage is most often practised in the Western world by rubbing and provoking the entire body, with a special emphasis on sensitive parts such as the penis as well as the vulva.

Tantra massage is commonly referred to informally as an erotic massage, although it also includes breathwork, meditation, and awareness and is not always sexual.

Make Your Intercourse More Sensual

Many people get into the trap of repeating the same sexual patterns. Sex always looks the same, with some kissing, maybe some oral, and then a penis pushing furiously into a vagina until the initial orgasms. Hence, our Tantric massage in Bayswater can open your new doors of fresh sexual excitement.

Working to break free from these scripts can lead to new levels of pleasure, sensations, and more distinctively connecting experiences.

One method to break all the norms is to experiment with tantric sex, particularly tantric massage. Here’s what occurs during a tantra massage and how to provide it to your lover.

Techniques for Your Arousal – Seek The Best Tantric Massage in Bayswater

Tantric massage techniques include the yoni massage (centred on the vulva), the lingam massage (concentrating on the penis), and rubbing the sacred spot (also known as the prostate). Tantric massage may also be done at home with a partner, and it can help to introduce a slower, more purposeful, more personal style of sexuality into your sex life.

Folks can orgasm during a tantra massage, but that is not the purpose. Tantric massage in Bayswater is primarily about surrendering to pleasure, clearing energy obstacles and stress, and merging spiritually with an individual.

Get A Professional Sensual Lingam Massage

A lingam massage focuses on honouring and satisfying the penis.

  • Our professionals get the penis owner (you) to relax by resting on their back in a comfortable posture with their legs spread and knees bent. Remind them to take deep breaths during the encounter.
  • Practice breathing in their aroused energy and exhaling love energy.
  • They will lubricate and massage the penis, beginning by gliding their hands up the thighs, pubic bone, and perineum. So, you will get the best experience of Tantric massage in Bayswater.
  • Gently and gradually massage the testicles. They can tug them slightly, cup them in your hands to fondle them, or softly press your fingertips against them. Therefore, they massage the shaft with various grips, stroke frequencies, and twisting actions. Change from one hand to two, and from slow to quick. You start enjoying the excitement in you.
  • Do not let them reach a climax. Keep them on the verge of orgasm, often known as edging. If you are at ease, stimulate your holy place, often known as the prostate.


When you are ready, let our girls give an ejaculation orgasm. So, contact Joy Tantric Massage for the best Tantric massage in Bayswater.